Up to 35% more successful cost outcome
More informed decision-making
Improve quality of contracts
Save costs with bidding strategies
Cleopatra Enterprise is designed to enhance your contract management processes by offering multiple contract strategies and standardizing the tendering and bidding process. With its comprehensive tools, Cleopatra Enterprise provides clear and detailed commercial bid evaluations, ensuring that you can select the most favorable bid with confidence. Structure information in a way that promotes transparency and healthy competition among contractors. By encouraging contractors to present their best proposals, Cleopatra Enterprise helps improve project and turnaround efficiency.
Quality all-in-one tender
Cleopatra Enterprise simplifies the tendering process by providing a complete solution that manages all aspects from drafting to the final agreement. Our software ensures top-notch quality through integrated pre-ambles, enhancing transparency regarding labour norms and productivity factors. Experience streamlined operations without the hassle of multiple clarification and revision sessions.
Innovative contract strategies and scenarios
With Cleopatra Enterprise, you can assess and implement different contact strategies, such as lump-sum, time & materials and unit rate contracts. Explore alternative scenarios and assess the potential impact of scope changes and overtime. Obtain quality proposals by evaluating bids based on the agreed scope, potential scope, or even scope derived from previously executed projects and turnarounds.
Simplify the creation of contracts
Simplify the process of implementing the agreed contract norms and rates into the project cost and schedule baseline, saving valuable time and effort. Translate proposals into comprehensive contracts, incorporating contract preambles to ensure clarity on work scope, payment terms, and labor rate buildup, particularly within detailed unit rate contract strategies.
Spend less time implementing the contract in your systems and handling contractual changes and claims. Instead, Cleopatra Enterprise allows you to focus on executing your project, ensuring timely and successful delivery.
Feature Highlights
All our solutions come with their own unique features. This one does too! Explore a brief summary of some of them.
Standardize contractor input
Compare apples to apples
What-if analysis
Benchmark contractors
Quick application of bid to project data
Increase accuracy by using reference scope and rates
What our customers are saying
Ready to start?
Request a live demonstration and experience the benefits Cleopatra Enterprise can have for your organization.
Resources to improve tendering and contracting
Heerema Marine Contractors
Read this case study to learn how Cleopatra helped Heerema Marine Contractors perfect the top-level elements of the…
Power BI in project controls – the top ways to optimize and visualize data
In this webinar, we introduce Power BI digital tool to help you bring your cost estimation and project…
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FAQs about Tendering and Contracting
What is contract management?
Contract management is the process of managing contracts from creation to execution. It ensures terms and conditions are met, and risks are mitigated.
How to identify the right contracting strategy?
Defining a contract strategy involves creating a plan to manage contracts throughout their lifecycle, achieving strategic objectives, minimizing risks, and optimizing performance.
How can you identify the right bidding opportunities?
Cleopatra allows the comparison of multiple bidders against a reference estimate or against each other. This can be down to a very granular level to help spot the most suitable contractor. At the same time, contractors can make the most of their opportunities by performing what-if analyses on their proposal, assessing the impact of elements such as productivity, rates, and scope changes.
What are the key stages involved in the tendering process?
1. Identifying the need for goods or services.
2. Preparing tender documents and supporting scope documents for the bidders.
3. Inviting suppliers or contractors to provide bids.
4. Evaluating received bids.
5. Negotiating terms and finalizing the contract.
6. Implementing the awarded contract.
How does Cleopatra contribute to optimizing tendering and bidding processes?
The system allows you to compare apples to apples. Most companies struggle with tendering as they ask the contractor to provide a bid in their native format. By asking the bidders to respond to your basic labour norms and only provide factors on top of them, you’re able to make a fair judgement.
We track a high level of detail in our contracts. How does Cleopatra adapt to meet our requirements?
Cleopatra is able to slice and dice the information in the way you like. Be it on a very detailed level or on a high-level it’s able to translate the given execution data that you need.
What improvements might we see in our contract management processes?
- Detailed description, labour norms/costs are supported with detailed preambles.
- Contract management in the same system as cost management solutions – rigid change management.
- The ability to create contractor views in Cleopatra, which will then be able to work with the contract labour norms, factors and costs.
Ready to start?
Request a live demonstration and experience the benefits Cleopatra Enterprise can have for your organization.